Thursday, January 13, 2011

three years ago today ....

.... I published my first post here at Where In The World? !! And now today, 472 posts later, I'm celebrating my 3rd blog-a-versary!

Thanks to all of you for meeting me here so often, so faithfully! This has been an AMAZING way to stay in touch with friends/family, and to "meet" new friends around the globe. Keep those comments and e-mails coming, I love 'em!

I hope you'll keep stopping by to join me as I chat about my everyday happenings, and continue sharing my journey around the world. Speaking of ... here's a sneak peek of where in the world I'll be exploring next, or should I say where my next "odyssey" will be:

Hmm... where is that ??? ;-)

Looking forward to Year 4 with you,


78968400mom said...

Hi Susan

Looks like you have quite an adventure plan for 2011! I hope Aruba is doing better. My new brother, Smalls, is quite the terror. My mom and dad are going to have to put in new carpet. I look at my mom and just shake my head. I am glad that Buddy is doing well. Take care. Sending Buddy and Aruba a "high paw."

Max...and Smalls :-)

hope all is well Susan-michelle

Momofboys said...

always enjoying reading about your latest adventures! can't wait to find out "where in the world" that is!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your blog-a-versary, Susan!

Hmmm... your next destination must be Greece, or some islands on Aegean Sea like Mikonos and Santrini. No?

Say 'Hi!' to Buddy and Aruba for me.


Susan Lepore said...

Oh Kyoko you are such a smart gal !!! :-)

Miss you !