Thursday, September 15, 2011

a note from Buddy

Hi everyone! It's me, Buddy!

I know that you've been waiting to hear about my mommy's trips to Creative Escape and Greece, and she can't wait to share all about them, but she has been busy. Part of it is because of me. I can tell that my mommy is really sad because I've been coughing more and something seems to be wrong with my lungs, even though my lung X-rays were clear in July. She sat up with me most of last night, and it made me feel better. She spoke with my oncologist's office this morning, and is taking me to the cancer clinic soon. So hopefully we can find out what's wrong. Maybe I just have a cold or something? But my mommy is worried about my lungs. I hope that my cancer hasn't come back, and that I don't have to go on chemo again. :-(

I'm sure my mommy will be back here soon with an update, but I wanted to help her with things today, so I'm blogging for her.

p.s. ~ today is my Grandma's birthday! Happy birthday Grandma, from me & Aruba!



mom78968400 said...

Hi Buddy,

We are sorry that you are not feeling well. We will say a prayer for you tonight when we go to bed. Please tell your mom Hi from our mom. Stay strong. Hi Paws and a tail wag.

Love from CA

Max and Smalls

Shannon said...

So hope that you get good news from your oncologist Buddy....I know exactly how much your mom worries about you...hopefully you or her can let us know what they had to say.

Saying a prayer that you get good news.

Momofboys said...

Sorry you're not feeling well Buddy!! Hoping that you get good news and results from your tests!