Wednesday, August 28, 2013

a note from Aruba

Hi everyone, this is Aruba! (Mommy said that I could write on her blog)

Thank you all for thinking about me & praying for me, I sure appreciate it!  It has been a rough summer for me... I miss Buddy so much, and I can tell that Mommy & Sal do too.  He was my canine pal, and I sometimes still look around the house for him.  And then a few weeks after Buddy left us, I was diagnosed with cancer.  It seemed almost too much sadness for Mommy to bear.

But, I have GREAT news to share!  I'm feeling good, energetic.  And I'm eating well (Mommy is always filling my bowl and is constantly after me to eat).  She even adds "toppings" to my doggie food--- like Greek yogurt, pumpkin, and vegetable broth.  She says it's healthy, but I say it's yummy!  Woof!

And I've been on chemotherapy for 2 weeks now... I'm tolerating it well, with no side effects!  I can tell this makes Mommy & Sal so very happy!  Mommy said it's an incredible medicine that will make me better.  I had a check-up at the doggie oncologist today and she agreed that I'm doing great!  My blood cell count is fine.  She's gradually increasing my chemo dosage; Mommy said the cancer I have is aggressive and the chemo will fight this bad disease and keep me healthy.

I'm so glad that I have such wonderful doctors and medicines, and doggie parents who make me feel so loved!

On the way home from the hospital today, Mommy and I went to Sonic.  Woof!  Buddy used to tell me about how he went on exciting "Sonic sidetrips" on the way home from the cancer clinic.  Now it's my turn....

Aruba 🐾


Shannon said...

So glad to hear from you Aruba....happy that everything is going well. I'm sure that the chemo will do its job and you will be super healthy once again.

Anonymous said...

I am SO happy to hear your voice, Aruba, and SO happy you are getting better! :D The chemo might be tough for your little body, but so many friends have been sending prayers and healing vibes in your way. Just hang in there!

Polaris, your mom's friend Kyoko's furbaby. :)

Momofboys said...

So glad to hear you're doing so well!! Always thinking and praying for you and your mom and dad!