Our time in beautiful Greece is winding down ... my guidebook is tattered and worn, and my Grecian blue pedicure needs refreshing from all the walking, hiking, swimming, shopping (LOL). Signs of another exciting destination well-explored!
Next, we're heading to northern Greece for our final adventure, visiting The Meteora. Can't wait to see the up-in-the-air monasteries amidst the spectacular geology....
More soon,
Robin H.
Our oldest son grew up going to a retaurant that had a picture of that place. He always wanted to see it. In college, he was able to spend a semester studying in Athens. He got his dream fulfilled.
I’ve been asked how I decided to name my blog Where In The World?. Sure, I considered words that capture my passion for travel, like “destination”, “wanderlust”, “voyages” or “passport” or “explore”. And I even pondered song titles like Leaving on a Jet Plane or Life is a Highway. But I’m often (ok, always) musing “where in the world?” I want to go next, so naturally my blog reflects that. And I’m delighted that you’re here, joining me for the journey, no matter Where In The World? I am.
Our oldest son grew up going to a retaurant that had a picture of that place. He always wanted to see it. In college, he was able to spend a semester studying in Athens. He got his dream fulfilled.
It all sounds so exciting! Enjoy the last leg of your trip :)
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