Wednesday, June 15, 2011

strike 2 !

Hello from lovely Nafplion, Greece!

As you can see from my previous post, I can blog directly from my iPhone, which is great for sharing glimpses and snippets of our journey until I have a chance to prepare full blog posts.

Today Greece is largely on strike :-(
The Parliament is passing economic austerity measures and the people are upset. While most of the commotion is in Athens, the effects are country-wide ... no ferry service, and archeological sites are closed for 24 hours. There was also supposed to be an air-traffic controller strike, but that was called-off. Good thing for everyone flying into, out of, and within Greece!

This is the 2nd strike since we arrived. We had ferry tickets booked to go to Santorini, but because of a reported dock workers strike, I bought last-minute flights to get to the island instead. Wonder if I can get my ferry $$$ back?

Strikes are all part of the Greek travel experience, I suppose....

More soon,

Sent from my iPhone

1 comment:

Momofboys said...

So sorry you're having to deal with that nonsense while you're on your vacation!! I hope you get your money back and are able to enjoy the beauty of that country regardless of the craziness...hope you get home safe and on time too!!