Saturday, March 7, 2009

the sky's (not) the limit

Hey everyone, hope your weekend is off to a great start. Today we're buying new tires for Sal's car, yuck. It's one of those not-very-exciting-but-very-necessary purchases, *sigh*. We can all think of more fun things to buy, right?


I read such a wonderful story on a travel blog recently that I just had to share it here.

These 4 women recently flew into the history books aboard Flight 5202 from Atlanta to Nashville. They're the first all female African-American flight crew to staff a domestic US flight! And how perfect that this is National Women's History Month, too!

Great story!

And Atlantic Southeastern Airlines has set up a dedicated webpage where you can leave your own personalized message of congratulations for this crew.

You go girls!

Enjoy the weekend,

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